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Feminism and yoga

Feminism and yoga

Sandra Farkaš and Gordana Subotić

Sandra Farkaš and Gordana Subotić

This program is a regional feminist peace-building initiative for young women organized by:


Alternative Girl’s Center from Kruševac/Serbia,

Kosova Women’s Network from Pristina/Kosova

and Association Dea Dia from Kovačica/Serbia.



Project supported by:

Kvinna till Kvinna, Sweden














June – August 2014


Budget for the project:

17 417, 00 Euro




Project description:



Working on the issues of overcoming social distances and education on feminism is critical for shaping young women’s minds and direction of the future social actions. Investing in education of young women is crucial for sustainability of the feminist movement. Since, there have not been many schools that focus on political feminist and peace education between young women from Kosovo and Serbia, this project will be the foundation to the future ones. This project contributed to advancement of women’s human’s rights and women’s empowerment through feminist education and gave a clear message to young women from Kosovo and Serbia that they can reach everything if they unite. Changing public opinion and showing that girls from Serbia and Kosovo are active in working on their future, that young women are educated and strong,  ready to cross borders and contribute to peace building in their countries by actively organizing and participating in public life with rhetoric that are different than the ones from the past.

Six days of the Feminist summer school addressed history of the feminist movement in the world and the region of the Balkans, human and women’s rights, feminist research methodologies, definitions of the grass root activism and academic activism, peace-building and sustainable peace from the feminist perspective in relation to Serbia and Kosovo.

The Feminist summer school provided firm understanding of the aforementioned topics. During the school, lecturers and workshops with experts from various backgrounds were covered by variety of non-formal interactive methods. The Feminist summer school has provided the participants with the necessary tools, ideas and contacts to join feminist organizations and defend women’s human rights in their countries.

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